From this poster can let us know the more about the boba drinks
is they any disadvantages to our body
This poster effect me is because this poster can let us see the ingredients and how many percent of those ingredients..
From this poster i understand that the boba drinks that we always drink, which ingredient have how many in a cup that we don't know and now can see it ...
in this poster if can labeling how many % are the ingredients that content in a cup..
that would be better...
but i still agree to this poster...
cause without the % also can understand it by the drawing...
while i saw this poster i just think oohh this the boba drinks that we always drink and ingredients that content...
and I'm glad i had seldom drinking it already... almost stop... twice a year..
if not maybe i'll get the diabetes already ... and i'm allergic to milk also tho...==
p/s: hungry... is time for dinner... =) wish everyone have a great dinner...
boba same as pearl tea meyh?